Your Crypto Identity, What it Means to be a SafeHamster
Identity plays a major role in the crypto space. As an every day crypto trader you are considered a hamster and this is the foundation of the SafeHamsters name. Many people look for ways to identify as a crypto trader, some reaching out to pixel art and lofi style designs. With SafeHamsters new avatar line you can find a character that you embody and be the character that represents you. This is what brings so much value to avatar NFTs and gives you the unique persona you want to be.
Hamster is a term given to the every day trader just as whale is given to the mega-investors. This term goes back to the foundations of crypto and is the very reason SafeHamsters has chosen this name. Just like the project has identified itself as the mainstream everyday traders you can identify as a hamster to show your support as an investor. Hamsters are strong together and there is no limit to what we can accomplish as a community.
You can choose to identify as a hamster! As a cool new trend your not just a pixel image of another person but a glorified, exciting, part animal representation of your values! Why not have fun and pick an identity that expresses who you really are. If you could be anything in the crypto space, why not be something new and exciting!
With 100 options on the first NFT avatar pack, theres something for everyone, however the SafeHamsters community has over 13,000 members so you’ll want to pick up your favorites as quickly as possible! Find your favorite movie star, super hero, or cartoon character who can show everyone what you want to be. Think of your strongest values and what character represents this. This can help you express yourself in a new way and fit in to the newly shaping crypto space in a way that’s unique to you!
These choices are always available for reselling. Who knows, you might meet someone who likes this character more than you and they may want to buy it from you. This means you can express yourself and even profit from your favorite NFT avatars. It’s the perfect time to pick them up and everyday the market is growing stronger, stay updated on SafeHamsters social media for the latest releases, giveaways, and NFT artwork!
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